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By default, the simulator accepts unauthenticated requests to all REST API endpoints. This behaviour is generally more convenient during development, but is disabled in production deployments, where endpoint authorization is controlled by various access scopes encoded in a JWT-based authorization token. These are further described below.


Possible authentication scopes are provided on a per-API basis and apply not only to the endpoints, but also the method of access:

simulator:read View information about the Simulator
simulator:write Control and update Simulator state
raw_events:read Read raw vehicle event telemetry
raw_events:write Submit raw vehicle event telemetry
notifications Send notifications to the vehicle
webhooks Manage webhook subscriptions
exve.vehicles:read Read vehicle information from ExVe APIs
exve.fleets:read Read fleet information from ExVe APIs
exve.fleets:write Manage fleets through ExVe APIs


The simulator and raw_events scopes are specific to the simulation environment, and are not supported by the KnowGo Car API. Applications that are targeting production deployment with live vehicle data should, therefore, avoid their use.

API Keys

Configuring the Signing Key

API Keys are signed with a hardcoded key by default. This isn't a concern for local testing during development, but should be changed if keys are to be shared or tied to specific simulator instances. In order to prevent leaking the signing key through the configuration artifacts, this value must be set through the KNOWGO_SIGNING_KEY environment variable. The key may be set to any arbitrary string, and will be used both for the generation of API keys and validation of the keys by the individual simulator instance.

API Key Generation

API Keys are generated directly within the simulator, via the API Keys configuration item:

API Keys Menu Item

This will open up the API Key Builder dialog, in which the desired scopes can be selected, the key generated, and directly copied to the clipboard:

API Key Builder

Note that the API Key itself is stateless and not persisted in any way by the simulator (although the previously generated key will remain visible while the simulator is running, it will be discarded when the simulator is closed). Multiple API keys for different applications requiring differing degrees of access may also be generated by simply amending the scope selection and re-generating the key.

Authenticated requests to the REST API can be made by inserting the key into the Authorization header:

$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <insert key here>' localhost:8086/simulator/info

Securing the REST API

With requests now authenticated, the Unauthenticated REST API Access configuration option should also be disabled:

Disabling unauthenticated REST API access

This will ensure that access to resources or access methods not covered by the contained scopes will return 403 authorization errors instead of silently passing through:

$ curl -X GET localhost:8086/simulator/info
Access denied