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REST API Tutorial

The KnowGo Vehicle Simulator REST API can be interacted with in a number of different ways:

  • Through Postman with the provided collections and environments.
  • Directly from the OpenAPI specification

These are elaborated in more detail in the sections below.


As parts of the REST API require API responses to be captured and used as inputs in other requests, we recommend using the provided Postman configuration where this process has been automated for you.

By default, each of these methods of interaction expect to communicate with an instance of the simulator running on your local machine; each method has, therefore, been pre-configured with a local environment in mind.

Postman Tutorial

Postman Integration

Step 1: Downloading and Installing Postman

Having a valid Postman environment is a prerequisite for continuing on with the remaining steps. Postman can either be downloaded and installed locally, or used in the browser. Please proceed to the Postman download page to complete this step.

Download Postman

Step 2: Downloading the KnowGo Postman Collection

We have developed a comprehensive Postman Collection that includes requests, sample payloads/return values, and validation for all of the defined APIs exposed by the simulator. A pre-configured environment for interacting with the simulator running locally on your machine has also been provided. These can be obtained directly from our GitHub page:

Download the collection

Both the collection and environment are continuously synchronized with any changes made to the REST API. As the REST API is still under active development, please ensure you are always using the latest version in order to avoid API conflicts or other types of undefined behaviour.


The simulator does not expose different versions of the REST API and will always serve the latest version.

Step 3: Importing the Collection and Configuring the Environment

When launching Postman for the first time, you will be greeted with the Scratch Pad workspace, in which all changes are kept only on your local machine. From here, the collection can be imported by navigating to the import button:

Postman import collection

From here, navigate to wherever you have cloned or otherwise downloaded the collection and select the knowgo_vehicle_simulator_api.postman_collection.json file:

Postman collection selection

After this, you should see the name of the collection and that Postman has recognized it as a valid Collection for import. Click on the import button to proceed:

Postman collection selection confirmation

You should now see the KnowGo Vehicle Simulator API in your list of collections:

Postman collection view

After this step, the collection has been successfully imported, but no environment has yet been assigned. The environment definition can now be imported. First, select Environments from the panel on the left, then proceed with the import as before, this time selecting the corresponding knowgo_vehicle_simulator_api.postman_environment.json file:

Postman environment import

At this point, the environment definition should be recognized as a valid Environment definition:

Postman environment import confirmation

The final step is to now set the KnowGo Vehicle Simulator environment as the active environment. This is accomplished by selecting it from the environment drop-down menu on the top right:

Postman environment selection

You are now ready to start issuing REST API requests to the simulator.

Step 4: Making REST API Requests to the Simulator

Many of the API requests require IDs that are either statically configured or dynamically generated by the Simulator. Postman automatically sets these values in your environment for you when queries are issued in-order, allowing you to forego the need for any copying and pasting of identifiers.

Before we can begin issuing queries for specific vehicle data, however, we first need to obtain the vehicle ID. The vehicle ID is populated when the Simulator is launched, and will have been either assigned through the configuration file or dynamically generated by the Simulator. Note that the vehicle does not need to be running in order for this information to be obtained, it is sufficient just to have the Simulator app open.

Step 5: Configuring Webhooks

The Simulator allows for a number of different webhooks to be registered, utilizing any combination of event triggers and notification endpoints. The available webhooks are described in more detail on the webhooks page:

See available webhooks

By default, the Simulator provides support for all available event triggers. In a production setting, these are more likely to be constrained both by resource availability and driver consent, so applications should similarly endeavour to constrain their scope to the bare minimum required.

The most straightforward way to visualize receipt of webhook notifications is by setting up a simple echo server.

OpenAPI Tutorial

Please refer directly to the REST API specification.